Email Verification App

Superb easy and robust app to use. Verify your email list or single email address in real time. 

Bouncer makes sure every email you send, reaches a real person. This will increase your deliverability, open rate and revenue. Try it now here!

Verify your email list

Upload your email list with up to 250k email addresses, in CSV format, and watch how fast Bouncer works. Once our work is done, we will add to the original file, an extra columns with your verification results and statuses. Verification completed?
to download your sparkling clean list!

Filter your results

Deliverable, risky or undeliverable?

Focus on the most important or needed results for you. Filter results easily, you don’t have to download all records. All of that done in an intelligent way, to minimize your efforts and time!

Filter your results

Deliverable, risky or undeliverable?

Focus on the most important or needed results for you. Filter results easily, you don’t have to download all records. All of that done in an intelligent way, to minimize your efforts and time!

Download your results

Download your results as a CSV file.

Verification results will be attached to your original file, so you don’t need to worry again about mixing and matching.
No rows are removed either, so you can be safe nothing was lost in the process.

Data safety

You decide if you want to delete your request or not.

Bouncer stores your data up to 60 days only (for the purpose of providing you ability to get the results of verification), after this period all data are anonymized and then are automatically and permanently deleted.

Data safety

You decide if you want to delete your request or not.

Bouncer stores your data up to 60 days only (for the purpose of providing you ability to get the results of verification), after this period all data are anonymized and then are automatically and permanently deleted.

Verify single email

Verify a single email address in real time.
Upload the single email and get a result immediately.
It’s easier than you think.

Superb support 

Remember, we are always on your way to better email communication. We will be happy to assist you with any question regarding the app or to receive further information. 

Join our super happy customers

SIGN UP now!