Valentines Deal | Vi elsker dig så meget, at vi har gjort det til en uge! Få 20% flere kreditter indtil 21. februar!!

En brugervenlig SaaS-applikation, der giver dig mulighed for hurtigt at verificere mailinglister

Ultrahurtig, robust og nem at integrere API til e-mailbekræftelse

Forbind nemt din Bouncer-konto med den marketingplatform, du elsker, og bekræft din e-mail-liste uden besvær

Identificer ugyldige, ondsindede eller falske e-mailadresser i det øjeblik, de indtastes.

Find ud af, om din e-mail-liste indeholder giftige e-mail-adresser

Test din indbakkeplacering, bekræft din godkendelse, og overvåg blokeringslister

Forbedr dine e-mail-kampagner ved at berige kundedata med offentligt tilgængelige virksomhedsoplysninger


Læs vores oprindelige forskning baseret på en undersøgelse, vi gennemførte om hygiejnepraksis for e-mail-lister

Category: Email Marketing


Learn more about Alpaco

Alpaco is an intuitive, flexible, scalable, collaborative Email Design Platform for your Marketing Team that integrates with your existing setup.
By separating content creation from design, coding and data modelling, their platform is putting the control back to the professionals and what they were intended to do – the results are lightning-fast production, on-brand designs, fantastic campaigns and satisfying data management all working in perfect harmony without limiting each other.
It’s one of the most flexible, yet most controlled drag-and-drop editor in the industry to date, giving you full flexibility and ease-of-mind when creating email campaigns.

Why we love them?


Boost Production

Save a ton of time fiddling with editors, cropping images and handing over campaigns to other colleagues.


Stay On Brand

Ensure your newsletters always look picture-perfect, and adhere to brand guidelines across campaigns, flows and content creators.


Integrate Your Setup

Easily integrate with your existing Email Service Provider, data flows and other solutions without exposing risks.