Email Verification
for FinTech & InsurTech

that let’s you connect to real people.

Trusted by best FinTech and InsurTech Companies

whose names we shall not disclose.

Invalid email address is a lost opportunity
for you and your customers

Capture only valid email addresses to connect with real people

Prevent invalid emails

Implement real-time email verification in your inquiry and registration flow.

Secure deliverability

Don’t let your transactional emails land in a spam box or get blocked.

Increase LTV

Smooth user experience means improved satisfaction which leads to higher life time value.

Safe as you expect it to be


Reliable, accurate and scalable with premium support


Top-grade data security,
GDPR Compliance by Design


Easy to do business with, smooth to implement

Email Verification designed to support your growth

Real-time & Bulk Email Verification API

Ultrafast and easy-to-integrate email verification API gives your SaaS limitless possibilities to validate emails.
Learn more…

All-rounded Email Verification Tool

Clean your email lists directly in the panel.
Access your usage statistics and logs.
Set-up your account, notifications and auto-refill.

All-rounded Email Verification Tool

Clean your email lists directly in the panel.
Access your usage statistics and logs.
Set-up your account, notifications and auto-refill.

All you need to get started instantly

Quick start

Get a step by step API walkthrough, brainstorm on the implementation design with our Dev Team.

Well documented

API Reference Documentation, terminology and integration guidelines available.

Premium support

Our support is available to you via email and chat regardless if you’re a Unicorn or Zebra.

Increase customer satisfaction with Bouncer