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Email list warm-up is the process of gradually increasing the volume and frequency of email sends to a new or inactive email list in order to establish a positive sender reputation and improve deliverability rates. This process involves sending a series of targeted and engaging emails to gradually build trust with the recipients and improve engagement metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

The main goal of email list warm-up is to signal to email service providers (ESPs) that the sender is legitimate and that the emails being sent are not spam. By gradually increasing the volume and frequency of emails sent, email list warm-up helps to avoid triggering spam filters and being marked as spam by recipients. This, in turn, improves the chances of emails reaching the inbox and being read by the intended recipients.

Email list warm-up typically involves sending a series of emails over a period of time, starting with a small number of emails and gradually increasing the volume and frequency of sends. The content of these emails is carefully crafted to be relevant and engaging to the recipients, in order to encourage them to open and interact with the emails. This can include special offers, personalized content, and targeted messaging based on the recipient’s preferences and behavior.

Overall, email list warm-up is an essential step in building a positive sender reputation and improving email deliverability rates. By following best practices and gradually increasing email sends, senders can establish trust with both recipients and ESPs, leading to better engagement and results from their email marketing campaigns.