O aplicație SaaS ușor de utilizat care vă permite să verificați rapid listele de distribuție

API de verificare a e-mailurilor ultrarapid, robust și ușor de integrat

Conectează-ți cu ușurință contul Bouncer cu platforma de marketing pe care o iubești și verifică-ți lista de e-mail fără efort

Identificați adresele de e-mail invalide, malițioase sau frauduloase în momentul introducerii.

Identificați dacă lista dvs. de e-mail conține adrese de e-mail toxice

Testați-vă plasarea în căsuța de primire, verificați-vă autentificarea și monitorizați listele de blocuri

Îmbunătățiți campaniile de e-mail prin îmbogățirea datelor clienților cu informații despre companie disponibile public


Citiți cercetarea noastră originală bazată pe un sondaj pe care l-am efectuat cu privire la practicile de igienă a listelor de e-mail

Email Hippo alternative |
Pricing and features

You’ve landed on this page as you are most likely looking for an
email verification service that will fulfil your needs. As we know that
this can be a very time and energy-consuming task, we did the
research ourselves and prepared a comparison table to help
you choose the best solution on the market*

See for yourself the differences between the Email Hippo pricing
and features vs Bouncer!

*Spoiler alert – it is Bouncer!

FeaturesBouncerEmail Hippo
Pricing for 100,000 verifications$150
(save $400)
Pricing for 1,000,000 verifications$750
(save $1,000)
Accuracy99,5%98% – 99%
GDPR compliantyes by designyes
Developer friendly & secure APIyesno
Designed for SaaS needsyesno
Syntax & MX & SMTP checkyesyes
Catch all & disposable email detectionyesyes
Customer supportyesyes, but no chat available
Small footprintyesNot disclosed


Purchase credits on demand that never expire, so you can use them whenever you need it. Bouncer will never charge for duplicated emails, nor for “unknown” results.


We will also put all our effort to bring you the most accurate results we can! Get your emails verified with Bouncer and enjoy our superb, best on the market accuracy of the results received.

GDPR Super

100 free credits for start, and volume tiered discounts, that let you grow in your own pace.


We are real people, that care. That is why our support is there for you. We are available via chat, email or video call, but if you send us a letter – we would be super happy to reply!