Xixi Email Verifier: A Detailed Review

Apr 9, 2024

In email marketing and beyond, verifying email addresses is crucial for the success of your campaigns.

Xixi email verifier - cover photo

You need a tool that works well, is proven reliable, and adapts to user needs. 

And a question for today: Is Xixi email verifier like that? This tool, although not very well-known, is one of the options for the job.

To answer our question, we’ve reviewed the tool and provided some alternatives you may want to try.

What is Xixi email verifier?

Xixi email verifier is a tool that checks the validity and existence of e-mail addresses. It performs this function without sending actual e-mails, and it ensures an efficient verification process. 

Xixi email verifier

The software helps in maintaining a reliable list of email addresses – it confirms if e-mail addresses are both correctly formatted and present on the email servers.

Features of Xixi email verifier

  • Xixi email verifier checks the existence and validity of e-mail addresses.
  • It processes e-mail addresses in batch mode.
  • The tool accepts and outputs e-mail addresses in formats like TXT, CSV, XLS, and XLSX.
  • It achieves high-speed verification through multi-threaded technology.
  • Users get real-time updates and visual statistics on the verification status.
  • The software enhances productivity with high-speed technology for Excel data.
  • It provides detailed reports of the interaction between the email verifier and ISP mail systems.
  • Users can customize verification and output settings according to their needs.
  • The tool helps users keep their own mailing lists reliable and up-to-date.

Xixi email verification pricing

You can use Xixi for free.


  • The problem with Xixi is that there’s hardly any information about the tool. Users might find it hard to trust the tool’s ability to verify email addresses.
  • To verify the addresses, users need to download the software. It takes time and may not suit those who prefer online tools.
  • The last time the tool was updated was in 2015. It may lack modern features to verify email existence effectively.
  • There’s no user feedback on the tool. Without feedback, it’s hard to know if it reliably verifies an e-mail address.
  • It looks old, and not as good and promising as other alternatives. An outdated appearance can make users choose other tools over Xixi.
  • There’s no information about the upgrade options or premium plans. Users cannot determine if there is room for growth or scalability with their needs.

With so many challenges on the list, it may not be worth the risk of wasting your time on a tool that may eventually disappoint you. 

The alternative for better email verification

Xixi is an underdog – what if you want a more established tool for email verification? Here are some solid options.

#1 Bouncer

Pick a tool that is reliable, secure, fast, and affordable – pick Bouncer.

Bouncer - a valid email verifier

Bouncer offers a great alternative for verifying that addresses are in a valid format. With Bouncer, you get high-speed verification based on innovative technology. 

Your email list stays clean and ready for action.

Bouncer shines with its:

  • Accuracy – it’s 99,5% accurate! You avoid losing contacts due to mistakes in sorting emails.
  • Customer support – Bouncer provides help that feels personal and effective.
  • Innovative features – these include deep catch-all verification and a comprehensive set of tools (like API or toxicity checker) to keep your email lists in prime condition.
  • Speed – it verifies 200,000 emails in an hour in bulk.
  • Great coverage – you can verify email addresses hosted by different email service providers (even deep catchall Google Workspace and Office365 verification) with a low number of unknown results (0,3-3%).

With Bouncer, you can categorize emails with high precision, which means fewer errors. It supports email addresses from various providers and guarantees extensive coverage and minimal unknowns.

Key features include:

  • Quick checks of large volumes of emails, up to 200,000 per hour for each customer.
  • A reliable service with a zero downtime policy and robust security standards, including SOC2 and GDPR compliance.
  • An easy-to-use platform that combines complex technology with a user-friendly interface.

Bouncer not only cleans your email lists but also boosts your email marketing success – it helps you avoid bounces and spam traps. Better engagement and improved communication come as standard.

Choose Bouncer for its fast, accurate, and customer-friendly email verification service. Start benefiting from its powerful features and join the many satisfied users globally.

#2 Neverbounce

Neverbounce helps clean email lists to ensure addresses are in a valid format. 

Neverbounce - an alternative to Xixi email verifier

Here’s what to know about NeverBounce:

  • Services it offers – NeverBounce can clean bulk email lists and verify emails in real-time.
  • What it does well – the tool checks emails for outdated information, typos, and spam risks, which helps keep email campaigns effective.
  • Speed –  NeverBounce can process 10,000 emails in under an hour, decent for most needs but not the fastest out there.
  • Customer reviews – opinions on NeverBounce vary, with some praising its features while others mention issues with support and reliability.

Check out where the tool falls short.

However, NeverBounce’s accuracy rate stands at 93%, which might not meet the needs of those requiring high precision in email verification. Concerns about inconsistent results, particularly with Yahoo email addresses, suggest that while popular, NeverBounce might not be the most reliable choice for everyone.

#3 Zerobounce 

ZeroBounce stands out as a service specializing in email verification. 

Neverbounce - a tool for verifying real existing email addresses

Despite its broad use and high profile, it’s known for above-average pricing and a decent accuracy rate of 99%.

Key points about ZeroBounce:

  • What it offers – ZeroBounce provides more than just email verification. Features include inbox placement, blacklist monitoring, disposable email checking, and an email finder tool.
  • Customer experience – Many find the service satisfactory, but the tool’s full range of features and their actual performance receive mixed reviews.
  • Service scope – It not only validates email addresses but also offers insights into email engagement and sender reputation management.
  • Technical aspects – ZeroBounce boasts a variety of tools and APIs, aiming to cater to a broad audience with its comprehensive solutions.

However, there are considerations to keep in mind.

Although ZeroBounce claims high accuracy, some users have reported discrepancies – emails marked as valid still bounce. 

Speed varies, with some users experiencing slower processing times for large lists. On top of that, ZeroBounce’s costs are higher compared to some competitors, with feedback on its pricing model indicating some dissatisfaction among users.

#4 Verifalia

Verifalia comes with an online email verification service that checks if addresses are valid (format and more). The main goal is to help businesses clean their email lists. 

Verifalia for email verification

Here’s a closer look at Verifalia:

  • Service range – Verifalia specializes in identifying and removing inactive, invalid, or problematic emails, including disposable and spam trap addresses.
  • Bulk verification – it can handle large lists and promises to process millions of records at once.
  • Features – the platform includes real-time API, syntax and domain checking, and catch-all server verification.
  • Engagement insights – Verifalia uses email activity data to identify the most engaged subscribers.

However, there are points to consider.

While Verifalia claims a high accuracy rate, some external reviews rank it lower, which suggests possible discrepancies in results. The speed of service can vary based on the chosen pricing plan, with faster verification often costing more.

Also, the credit system can be confusing. Different quality levels consume credits at varying rates, which could lead to unexpected costs. Unused credits expire daily, which could lead to resource waste.

Before making a final choice, customers should weigh these factors carefully against their needs and budget.


Xixi doesn’t hit the mark for reliability, with no solid user experiences to back it up. The lack of updates since 2015 waves a red flag, which is why it is not the best choice for your email verification needs. 

Why settle for uncertainty? 

For peace of mind, switch to a tool like Bouncer. Known for its reliability and current features, Bouncer ensures your email lists are in top shape. 

Ready to make the switch? Try Bouncer today and experience email verification that truly delivers. 

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