Træerne mister bladene, vejret er ved at blive grimt, og du føler dig ikke længere så optimistisk, når du opretter en e-mail-kampagne mandag morgen, som for bare et par måneder siden… Nå, men efteråret er her, og Halloween-sæsonen er også her. Halloween, tid med frygt og mørke, der sniger sig ind i e-mailmarkedsføringsverdenen.
Lad mig fortælle jer en historie om en lille by i netværkets mørkeste hjørner, Marketington. Den ligner det mest fredelige sted på hele internettet med et velkendt samfund, glæde i gaderne og glade lokale indbyggere. Men i mange, mange år har der været en bande af skræmmende e-mails, der i løbet af Halloween-natten kommer ud fra byens mørkeste side for at besøge beboernes hjem og forårsage frygtelig skade. De opfordrer folk til at åbne deres døre ved at råbe “trick or treat”. Du har måske allerede hørt om dem – de kaldes SPAM.
SPAM gang arouses a fear in all Marketington. They are unpredictable, brutal and above all extremely cunning…They know all the tricks and can fool anyone to open the doors for them.The target of their actions are the residents of the Email Street… The terrified locals have lost their trust, unsure who is hiding behind the next email, and become very unwilling to open their doors for any email that comes into their inbox. Good emails have to make an incredible effort to rebuild trust, increase their reputation and finally get some sweets.The guards of the whole Internet world had to set up strict borders (filters), so the SPAM emails will never find their way to Email Street. When caught, they get sent straight to SPAM inbox, which is basically a prison for nasty emails.Unfortunately, quality emails are also affected… Whenever their reputation gets a bit shady, SPAM filters will detect them amongst other emails and sent them to the SPAM inbox, even though their content might be valuable and interesting for the recipients.This story clearly reflects the email marketing world in a real life. As you are an email marketer, you are a part of Marketington. Halloween night is simply an email campaign time, and Email Street is the list of recipients that we send our emails to. If they open their doors and read the email in their inbox, they might treat the sender, by converting into a paying customer. On the other hand, they might not trust the sender, and report the message as a spam. If the sender was previously identified as a baddy, their email is already in the email prison, SPAM BOX, so no chance for treats at all!If you are standing behind the good emails, you might already know how unfair and annoying is when your content is treated in same way as the emails about Nigerian prince or cheap Viagra. Disappointment, helplessness, and irritation. No one likes that! But there is a way to differentiate yourself from the SPAM gang. First of all, it is all about the content that you are sending, and to who you are sending it to. You need to adopt specific measures, so the recipients will not mark you as a SPAM. Email only those, who agreed to be on your campaign list, personalize your content, create a truthful but appealing title, make it easy to unsubscribe, be consistent and remove inactive users.
Men vigtigst af alt – beskyt din afsenders omdømme ved at reducere din afvisningsrate! Send aldrig nogensinde til ukontrollerede e-mail-lister! Hver gang din e-mail afvises på grund af en ugyldig e-mailadresse, får dit omdømme et slag. Når dit omdømme lider skade, er “vagternes” øjne rettet mod dig. Det er i bund og grund blot endnu et skridt til at blive sortlistet og blive en del af SPAM-banden. Bekræft, bekræft og endnu en gang VERIFICER din liste , holde den ren og fri for skjulte Uleverbar e-mail
Hold dig på internettets gode side, vær en værdig mand af Marketington, en høflig gæst på Email Street, brug aldrig “trick”, og mest af alt – undgå SPAM-banden!